Bryan Privett
Bryan Privett and his family started attending Monterey in late 2000, and Bryan became an Elder in 2012. As an elder and shepherd, Bryan mostly prays - seeking God’s grace, will, and direction in the different things we are called to do. Bryan and his wife Ronna have two married children, Austin and Karla who have three boys (Ben, Jude and Ezra), and Emily and Paul who have one little girl. Bryan and Ronna feel fortunate that their children and grandchildren also live in Lubbock. Bryan has a Bachelor in Math from LCU and worked as a software engineer at CoNetrix for many years. Bryan’s favorite verse is 2 Corinthians 5, talks about looking forward to our eternal heavenly dwelling – in contrast to our earthly lives which pass away so quickly. This eternal hope, of life in the Spirit, guaranteed by the presence of the Spirit, gives meaning to Bryan’s life as I come to grips with God’s purpose for him. He loves and is challenged by verses 16 and following where Paul describes himself (and us) as “Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us (to implore others on Christ’s behalf) to be reconciled to God.” Verse 21 just sings out to Bryan, and he loves to just think about it: God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God. Many at Monterey would say that Bryan’s spiritual gifts include leadership, empathy, and mercy. While not serving at Monterey, Bryan enjoys spending time with his family, and going on roadtrips. He and Ronna hope to go to Redwood Forest sometime in the near future.