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  • The Fox and the Hen
    • 3/23/25

    The Fox and the Hen

    Luke 13:31-35 gives us a short but interesting story of Jesus and his idea of what kingdom looks like.

  • The Temptation of Jesus
    • 3/16/25

    The Temptation of Jesus

    In this story found in Luke 4, Jesus shows us that he engages the world as both fully God AND fully human.

  • Acts 15
    • 3/9/25

    Acts 15

    The early church didn't have a road map for handling big decisions back then any more than we do now. But we still have Holy Spirit even today.

  • Missions Sunday 2025
    • 3/2/25

    Missions Sunday 2025

    The story of Peter and Cornelius in Acts 10 shows us that God is doing something new in the world, and our invitation is to be a part of it. How is God calling you to be a part of a new thing today?

  • Celebrating 40 Years in Kenya
    • 2/23/25

    Celebrating 40 Years in Kenya

    Today we honor Jim & Phyllis Beck who have spent the last 40 years making disciples in Kenya! They did not take Jesus anywhere -- they joined him where he already was, just like we are called to do each and every day.

  • Philip & The Eunuch
    • 2/16/25

    Philip & The Eunuch

    Because of Jesus and the willingness of Philip, a man who finds himself on the fringes finds that he is welcome in the kingdom of God — just like all of us.

  • Family Commitment Sunday
    • 2/9/25

    Family Commitment Sunday

    Today is our annual Family Commitment Sunday where we celebrate the new lives that have been added to our church family!

  • No Needy Persons
    • 2/2/25

    No Needy Persons

    The story of Ananias and Sapphira is not one that you will find in most children’s stories and flannel graphs, but it holds a key message of creativity for how the church can live in generosity to those around us.

  • A Different Kind of Power
    • 1/26/25

    A Different Kind of Power

    Where does the power that we have come from? We continue to explore this question as we wrestle with the book of Acts.

  • Poured Out On All Flesh
    • 1/12/25

    Poured Out On All Flesh

    What happens at Pentecost when the Holy Spirit comes on the people marks a significant change in how Jesus interacts with all people!

  • Witnesses
    • 1/5/25


    Our first sermon in our series on the book of Acts invites us to bear witness to what God is doing, just as the apostles did centuries ago. God moves, we bear witness.

  • Christmas Eve at Monterey
    • 12/24/24

    Christmas Eve at Monterey

    Join us for our annual Christmas Eve service!

  • "Here I Am"
    • 12/29/24

    "Here I Am"

    Joey Drumright, our Congregational Life Minister, shifts our focus from Hope as something meant ONLY for Jesus to something that we can all carry into the world in the name of Jesus.

  • Prince of Peace
    • 12/22/24

    Prince of Peace

    Our idea of peace and God’s idea of peace often come into conflict with each other. What does Jesus mean when he is called “Prince of Peace?”

  • Everlasting Father
    • 12/15/24

    Everlasting Father

    Through Jesus, God reveals the kind of Father that He is — He is our care-giver and provider of all things!

  • Mighty God
    • 12/8/24

    Mighty God

    Through Jesus, God redefines “might.”

  • Wonderful Counselor
    • 12/1/24

    Wonderful Counselor

    Many times it is easier to trust in the problems we see, rather than the counsel and wisdom from a God that we don’t see.

  • Hope Has A Name
    • 11/24/24

    Hope Has A Name

    This week Doug kicks off our Advent series “Hope Has A Name.”

  • Kingdom, Power & Glory
    • 11/17/24

    Kingdom, Power & Glory

    Jesus gives us the Lord’s Prayer as a starting point for how to have a relationship with our Father. Today we spent time in prayer over several specifice areas affecting our lives and the world right now.

  • Deliver Us
    • 11/10/24

    Deliver Us

    “Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.” (Matthew 6:13)

  • Forgive Us
    • 11/3/24

    Forgive Us

    When we hold on to grudges, we buy into the lies that we are hurting the other person—but the only person we are really damaging is US! May we be more defined by Jesus than we are by debts that we carry.

  • Daily Bread
    • 10/27/24

    Daily Bread

    In a society obsessed with abundance, can we trust that God’s idea of “enough” is enough?

  • Your Kingdom Come
    • 10/20/24

    Your Kingdom Come

    Hudson Hutchinson, our Connection Minister, offers us a reflection on the part of Jesus’s prayer that invites us to imagine what God’s kingdom on earth as it is in heaven looks like.

  • Our Father
    • 10/13/24

    Our Father

    Jesus's opening words in his prayer teach us something about the very character and nature of God, moving Him from this impersonal deity to a very near, personal, and intimate Father.

  • When You Pray
    • 10/6/24

    When You Pray

    Doug kicks off a new series on the Lord's Prayer and begins by reminding us that the purpose of prayer is to be properly formed in the presence of our Heavenly Father who desires relationship with us.

  • Peacemakers


    This sermon explores the difference between "cease-fires" and "peace-making."

  • Witnesses


    As followers of Jesus, we ought to be so sure about where we are headed that it shapes how we live right now.

  • Servants


    What would the world look like if Christians everywhere made the conscious decision to elevate others instead of themselves?

  • Strangers


    In this first sermon in this series, we are reminded that we are not meant to feel at home in this world. We are strangers!

  • The Sinners
    • 9/1/24

    The Sinners

    The parable of the Pharisee and tax collector teaches us that Jesus loves and hears the prayers of the humble.

  • The Widow's Prayer
    • 8/25/24

    The Widow's Prayer

    This parable of Jesus reminds us that God has never abandoned us. If a judge who does not know God is persuaded by a widow's persistence, how much more so will God, who loves His people, listen to them when they pray?

  • The Invisible Man
    • 8/18/24

    The Invisible Man

    Jesus shares the parable of the rich man and Lazarus. The way we live in eternity is to die to ourselves--before we die.

  • The Rascal
    • 8/11/24

    The Rascal

    This teaching of Jesus (Luke 16:1-9) is arguably one of the most complex and complicated stories that Jesus tells.

  • Hide & Seek
    • 8/4/24

    Hide & Seek

    Luke 15 tells the story of the lost son — but which son is really lost? And what is Jesus REALLY saying to his listeners, and to us?

  • Table Talk
    • 7/28/24

    Table Talk

    While at a dinner party, Jesus confronts the leaders of his day about humility and pride.

  • Manure
    • 7/21/24


    Yup — you read that right. What do manure and patience have in common? Listen to find out!

  • The Barn-Builder
    • 7/14/24

    The Barn-Builder

    Where do you store your treasures? And what do you value most in this life? Jesus has a lot to say about how what we value TODAY impacts our eternity.

  • Midnight
    • 7/7/24


    In Luke 11, Jesus shares the Lord's Prayer with his followers. Is this a prescriptive way to pray, or is it about something else?

  • Neighbor
    • 6/30/24


    Luke 11 tells the story of the Good Samaritan. Jesus told the best stories…what is this story calling us to?

  • Jump!
    • 6/23/24


    Our new Preaching Minister, Doug Page, begins his first sermon series! He invites us to explore the parable of the minas (Luke 19).

  • Preaching Minister Commissioning Service

    Preaching Minister Commissioning Service

    Today we commission Doug Page as our new Preaching Minister!

  • Anchored


    What do we anchor ourselves to? And who SHOULD we be anchored to? Preachers and teachers are great, but they're not meant to be anchors -- they're sign posts that point us to the One who is.

  • Life Together

    Life Together

    Today, we commissioned 12 new Stephen Ministers. Stephen Ministry is a ministry that provides one-to-one care for people walking through grief or struggle.

  • Our Stories

    Our Stories

    Rather than a sermon, we hear stories of God’s faithfulness from several individuals and families.

  • Senior Sunday 2024

    Senior Sunday 2024

    Our annual celebration of our graduating High School seniors! Eric Opton, our Youth Minister, shares a message of encouragement and challenge to us today!

  • The Family of God

    The Family of God

    Mother’s Day is a joy for some and a challenge for others. How is the church called to live in the midst of that tension?

  • The Life You've Always Wanted
    • 5/5/24

    The Life You've Always Wanted

    Luke 15 tells the story of a son who returns home to his Father. The good news of this story is that the Father holds no grudges.

  • The Secret to Growing In Our Faith
    • 4/28/24

    The Secret to Growing In Our Faith

    Why is it that some people seem more connected to God than others? The parable of the sower (Luke 8) might have some answers for us.

  • Who Is My Neighbor?
    • 4/21/24

    Who Is My Neighbor?

    When the expert in the law confronts Jesus and asks what the greatest command is, Jesus refuses to enter into a debate about who is “in” and who is “out.”

  • Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?
    • 4/14/24

    Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?

    Guest preacher Wes Crawford walks us through the parable of the banquet (Luke 14).

  • A Guest, A Host, and A Table
    • 4/7/24

    A Guest, A Host, and A Table

    Who sits at your table? We’re often comfortable with inviting friends and family, but what about the stranger and the one with whom we maybe uncomfortable?

  • The Veil Is Torn
    • 3/31/24

    The Veil Is Torn

    Happy Easter from Monterey!

  • What Is Your Foundation?
    • 3/24/24

    What Is Your Foundation?

    Guest preacher Michael Joiner reminds us that the gospel of John invites us to believe some very important things about who Jesus is and was.

  • Jesus In the Dirt
    • 3/17/24

    Jesus In the Dirt

    Eric Opton continues our Easter sermon series focusing on examples of how Jesus engaged with the “dirt” of humanity, bringing his glory into our brokenness.

  • The Glory of Jesus
    • 3/10/24

    The Glory of Jesus

    Hudson Hutchinson, Connections Minister, kicks off our Easter series “Glory & Dirt” by redirecting our attention to the glory of Jesus as seen in John 1.

  • Missions Sunday 2024
    • 3/3/24

    Missions Sunday 2024

    Aaron Dawson, Missional Life Minister, leads us in our annual Missions Sunday, asking what it would look like for us to know our neighbors the way Jesus did.

  • Going Deep
    • 2/25/24

    Going Deep

    In this sermon, Jim Beck, one of our missionary partners in Malinda, Kenya, reminds us that we are sent as Jesus was sent — to GO, and then GO DEEP.

  • Knots, Roofs & Funnels
    • 2/18/24

    Knots, Roofs & Funnels

    Alan Howell from Mission Resource Network in Dallas kicks off our Global Missions series called “Knowing Our Neighbors.”

  • Is "Judging" a Bad Word?

    Is "Judging" a Bad Word?

    Confronting someone in their sin is not easy. So why does Paul encourage that in his letter to the Galatians? This sermon reminds us of the importance of confronting each other in love.

  • Freedom in Christ
    • 2/4/24

    Freedom in Christ

    Churches and Christians often do more to repel people to the gospel than invite them in. What would it be like if we lived out of freedom instead of the chains that the Galatian church found themselves bound to?

  • Family Commitment Sunday 2024

    Family Commitment Sunday 2024

    Today we celebrated with 8 families who have all added new babies to our church family in the last year! This is more than just a baby dedication - this is our annual reminder that we are a part of a family that is bigger than ourselves and that being present in one another’s lives really matters!

  • Free the Children!
    • 1/21/24

    Free the Children!

    The Law and the Promise…are they rivals, or are they deeply connected in the person and story of Jesus? Paul helps bring clarity to this question in this sermon.

  • Living By Faith
    • 1/14/24

    Living By Faith

    How you interpret Galatians 2:15-21 makes quite a difference.

  • Only One Gospel
    • 1/7/24

    Only One Gospel

    Carson Reed, guest preacher from Abilene Christian University, starts our new series on the book of Galatians.

  • The Already/Not Yet Kingdom
    • 12/31/23

    The Already/Not Yet Kingdom

    Now that Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love have come into the world through Jesus, now what? What does kingdom living look like? Aaron Dawson and Hudson Hutchinson share insights into the kind of life Jesus invites us into.

  • Love
    • 12/24/23


    Our Christmas Eve instrumental service! We hope that you and your loved ones were blessed during this holiday season!

  • Joy
    • 12/17/23


    Aaron Dawson walks us through what Joy looks like in a world where darkness seems to reign.

  • Peace
    • 12/10/23


    Hudson Hutchinson reminds us of the kind of peace that Jesus brings into our world, and that it starts around tables.

  • Hope
    • 12/3/23


    Many times the god that we expect is different from the God who actually entered our world. This message focuses on longing for the God of hope.

  • The Lord's Prayer
    • 11/26/23

    The Lord's Prayer

    Today’s service is a combined service with our whole church family! We’re using the Lord’s Prayer as a focus for our time together this morning.

  • Blessed Are Those who are Persecuted

    Blessed Are Those who are Persecuted

    What did we sign up for when we decided to follow Jesus? A life of persecution and a story with a homeless, unemployed poor man at the center of it.

  • Blessed Are the Peacemakers

    Blessed Are the Peacemakers

    Peace seems to be the thing that the world wants the most and seems to have the least.

  • Blessed Are the Pure in Heart

    Blessed Are the Pure in Heart

    God desires a fully single-minded heart, bent on pursuing Him and all that His kingdom is about. What kinds of things tend to divide our minds?

  • Blessed Are the Merciful

    Blessed Are the Merciful

    What does a story about a boy who wet himself in class have to do with mercy? Give this week’s sermon a listen to find out.

  • Blessed are Those Who Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness

    Blessed are Those Who Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness

    “Righteousness” is a word that gets thrown around in church world a lot, but what does it actually mean?

  • Blessed are the Meek

    Blessed are the Meek

    The word “meek” is one of the most often misunderstood words in the English language. What does it mean to be “meek?” That is the question that we explore in this week’s message.

  • Blessed Are Those Who Mourn

    Blessed Are Those Who Mourn

    What does it mean to mourn as a community? What do we as a church mourn for? Mourning leads to action.

  • Perfectly Scarred

    Perfectly Scarred

    Andy Johnson, Care Coordinator and Prayer Coordinator for Mission Resource Network, speaks to us about the beauty of the scars that we carry and how Jesus is bringing healing to those broken places of our lives.

  • Blessed Are the Poor in Spirit

    Blessed Are the Poor in Spirit

    Carson Reed from Abilene Christian University preaches today on the first Beatitude found in Matthew 5:3.

  • Where Does Happiness Come From?

    Where Does Happiness Come From?

    Happiness as Jesus defines it in Matthew 5 is different from how the world portrays it. How can we choose moments of joy in every situation this week?

  • I Thank My God...

    I Thank My God...

    Barry preaches his final sermon as Senior Minister at the Monterey Church. We celebrate God through Barry and Debbie and praise Him for how He has used them throughout 23 years!

  • A Cloud of Witnesses

    A Cloud of Witnesses

    Hebrews 12 reminds us that we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses that is encouraging and cheering us on as we live our lives!

  • Love God, Love Others

    Love God, Love Others

    What is the calling God has placed on our lives? To love God and love others, just as He Himself does.

  • The Christ Song

    The Christ Song

    Barry explores the Christ Song found in Philippians 2:1-11.

  • Breakthrough Faith

    Breakthrough Faith

    Today, John Cooper and his family join us from Budapest, Hungary. He shares with us what it looks like to have breakthrough faith — the kind of faith that tears holes in roofs to get people to Jesus (Mark 2).

  • Have We Lost Our Songs?

    Have We Lost Our Songs?

    What do a parakeet, a blow-dryer, and a vacuum cleaner have to do with Romans 8? Check out this week’s sermon to find out!

  • The Storms of Life

    The Storms of Life

    We’re reminded today of a God who invites us to rest in Him no matter what storms we may be experiencing in our lives.

  • An Encounter with Grace

    An Encounter with Grace

    Luke 5:1-11 tells the story of Peter's encounter with Jesus. How did he respond, and how should we respond when we come face to face with the grace and power of Jesus?

  • Malachi & The Bored Congregation

    Malachi & The Bored Congregation

    What would it look like if we expected the unexpected when we encountered God?

  • Three Moods of Worship

    Three Moods of Worship

    Psalm 95 gives us three “moods” of worship, moving from Joy to Reverence to Repentance.

  • Celebrating the Grace of God

    Celebrating the Grace of God

    Today Barry challenges us to remember that we are saved by grace ALONE…not by works or by anyone or anything else.

  • God's Masterpiece

    God's Masterpiece

    Today we commission our Stephen Ministers who walk alongside those who are in crisis or grief.

  • God Is Faithful

    God Is Faithful

    Today’s focus is on the faithfulness of God found in the story of Joseph (Genesis).

  • The Vine & the Branches

    The Vine & the Branches

    Aaron Dawson, our Missional Life Minister, reminds us of how important it is to stay connected to the source of Life (John 15).

  • Lord, Teach Us To Pray

    Lord, Teach Us To Pray

    Barry begins his last series as our Preaching Minister — today, he focuses on the Lord’s Prayer (Luke 11).

  • Walking With God

    Walking With God

    Memorial Day 2023 - we had one blended combined worship service today, focusing on the life of Enoch (found in Genesis) and walking faithfully with God.

  • Senior Sunday 2023

    Senior Sunday 2023

    The one where we celebrate all of our graduating high school seniors!

  • The God Who Sees

    The God Who Sees

    Genesis 16 tells the story of an Egyptian slave who runs away from her master and encounters a God who sees her.

  • May 7, 2023 - 10:45am (Instrumental)

    May 7, 2023 - 10:45am (Instrumental)

    A message from Luke 15.

  • He Is Coming

    He Is Coming

    The last step of eternity is….eternity. This Sunday we focus on heaven.

  • Looking Back, Looking Forward

    Looking Back, Looking Forward

    Today is our church’s 60th anniversary! We spend our time looking back at God’s faithfulness and recommitting to be God’s people in our world for the future.

  • A New Creation

    A New Creation

    What comes after the resurrection? New life! Today is all about letting us be transformed by the renewing of our minds (Romans 12:2).

  • The Resurrection

    The Resurrection

    The Resurrection changes EVERYTHING!

  • The Incarnation

    The Incarnation

    Palm Sunday reminds us that God through Jesus came into our world to bear our pain and suffering and shame all the way to the cross.

  • God's Imagination

    God's Imagination

    From the very beginning, God has been in the business of restoration. Today we kick off a new series that reminds us of God's initial design and how the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus bring about the continuation of that plan.

  • Step Into The Water

    Step Into The Water

    Today’s sermon focuses on the gift of baptism — in our baptism, we die, are buried, and are raised to new life in Jesus.

  • Come To The Table

    Come To The Table

    For our Spring Break combined worship service, we spend today focusing on the gift of Communion and the fact that all are invited to the table of the Lord.

  • Generations


    Our annual Missions Sunday is a day where we celebrate all that God is up to in the world! God invites us into His mission of restoring all things to relationship with Him, and it is our privilege to partner with Him in this.

  • What Is God Doing?

    What Is God Doing?

    Dan Bouchelle, President of Missions Resource Network (MRN), guest preaches today and shares what the kingdom of God looks like globally.

  • Here Am I, Send Me

    Here Am I, Send Me

    Isaiah 6.

  • It's More Than Words

    It's More Than Words

    Aaron Dawson, our Missional Life Minister, kicks us off with a new series branching from "We Believe." What good is belief if our lives don't speak the good news of Jesus? There are more way to speak that with just words.

  • Family Commitment Sunday 2023

    Family Commitment Sunday 2023

    Today is a special day for our church! Over 20 families and their new children receive a blessing from our church, and we all commit to raising and loving one another as a part of this church family.

  • I Believe...but all at once?

    I Believe...but all at once?

    This week’s message explores the faith of Abraham.

  • Help Our Unbelief

    Help Our Unbelief

    As the father in Mark 9 prays, may God help us when our faith struggles.

  • We Believe: Week 3

    We Believe: Week 3

    Aaron Dawson, Missional Life Minister, speaks about the importance of engaging with scripture with the end-goal being that we know the God that scripture points us to.

  • We Believe, Therefore We Speak

    We Believe, Therefore We Speak

    Week 2 of our “We Believe” series.

  • Little Faith

    Little Faith

    Happy New Year from your Monterey church family!

  • Christmas Eve Service

    Christmas Eve Service

    Merry Christmas from our Monterey Church family!

  • Love


    Love is not about the person GIVING it…it is all about who is receiving it. And God models this in the BIGGEST way by sending His Son Jesus into our world.

  • Living As Jesus Lived

    Living As Jesus Lived

    The one who “knows” Jesus will live as Jesus lived.

  • A Life of Peace & Assurance

    A Life of Peace & Assurance

    We continue our LIFE Advent series…how does the coming of Jesus allow us to live lives of peace and assurance?

  • The Word of Life

    The Word of Life

    We kick off our Advent season with a series on the book of 1 John. Jesus’s coming brings life and light into our world!

  • When The Wine Runs Out

    When The Wine Runs Out

    Dr. Scott McDowell, President of Lubbock Christian University, is our guest preacher today! He speaks to us on the story of Jesus turning water into wine (John 2:1-11). 5 Phrases and 5 Insights.

  • In the World, Not of the World

    In the World, Not of the World

    Our concluding sermon for this series. We interviewed several of our teens who are involved in a new ministry effort called “Bless You Bags.”

  • How Far Is Too Far?

    How Far Is Too Far?

    “Blessed are the pure in heart” has a LOT to do with following Jesus in our world today.

  • Elder Affirmation Sunday

    Elder Affirmation Sunday

    This is a big day for our church family, as we celebrate and affirm new leaders that God has called to shepherd our church toward Him!

  • Blind Ambition

    Blind Ambition

    The funny thing about trying to climb "ladders" in life is that they ultimately lead to nowhere. Listen to this week's sermon to learn about the practice of becoming the least and giving up our power.

  • Do You Have Time?

    Do You Have Time?

    Walking with people the way Jesus calls us to requires us to surrender our time.

  • When Is Enough Enough?

    When Is Enough Enough?

    Our challenge this week is to live a life of contentment and simplicity, as Christ calls us to.

  • What Are You Shaped By?

    What Are You Shaped By?

    Barry kicks off a brand-new sermon series that compares what the world shapes us by to the Beatitudes that Jesus speaks in Matthew 5.

  • To The Measure You Use

    To The Measure You Use

    Aaron Dawson, our Missional Life Minister, preaches a message about giving and receiving today.

  • Ministry Belongs To The People

    Ministry Belongs To The People

    Today, we introduce a new ministry to our church: Stephen Ministry. Stephen Ministry trains and equips our church to walk one-on-one with others in crisis. Special guest speakers are Darra Lansman, Tara Souder, Scott Gwinn and Joey Drumright.

  • To Equip God's People

    To Equip God's People

    God has uniquely gifted all of us for works of service in His kingdom, for His Name!

  • Faithful Stewards of God's Grace

    Faithful Stewards of God's Grace

    We kick off a new sermon series called “Gifted to Serve” this week!

  • Leadership


    Brian Starr preaches to us on the biblical theme of leadership as our church enters its elder selection process..

  • Christ-Centered, Grace-Oriented, Spirit-Led

    Christ-Centered, Grace-Oriented, Spirit-Led

    In this sermon, Barry walks us through the development and meaning of our church's Identity statement: When we are at our best, we are a Christ-centered, Grace-Oriented, Spirit-Led church. Identity statements are not just about who we ARE, but also about who we want to BECOME.

  • Known By Our __________

    Known By Our __________

    After a summer spent focusing on the fruit of the Spirit, we end with this question: how will we be known? How will YOU be known?

  • Self-Control


    Self-control is the soil in which the rest of the fruit of the Spirit is grown. Guest preacher David Fraze walks us through the importance of self-control in our lives.

  • Gentleness


    This summer is flying by, and so is our summer sermon series! This week focuses on the characteristic of GENTLENESS as a part of the fruit of the Spirit.

  • Faithfulness


    Faithfulness is the seventh characteristic of the fruit of the Spirit.

  • Goodness


    We use the word “good” a lot in our culture today. What does scripture have to say about what is truly good? And how do we cultivate that kind of goodness in our lives?

  • Kindness


    Barry walks us through the fruit of the Spirit of kindness.

  • Patience


    Patience is a virtue, but it’s also one aspect of the fruit of the Spirit. How are you doing with patience these days?

  • Peace


    Peace in this world? Is that even possible?

  • Joy


    The second part of the fruit of the Spirit is Joy…what does choosing joy look like in today’s world, and how can we pour that joy out to those around us?

  • Love


    In this sermon, our Connection Minister Hudson Hutchinson preaches to us about the fruit of love.

  • Works of the Flesh Vs. Fruit of the Spirit

    Works of the Flesh Vs. Fruit of the Spirit

    We kick off our summer series on the Fruit of the Spirit by asking, “Do we treat the fruit of the Spirit like a check-list?” What kind of fruit is Holy Spirit producing in our lives?

  • Catch the Wind

    Catch the Wind

    We conclude our series on the Holy Spirit with Aaron Dawson (Missional Life Minister) speaking to us…what is the difference between “capturing” the wind, and “catching” the wind?

  • Empowered by the Spirit

    Empowered by the Spirit

    The greatest manifestation of the Spirit’s presence in the life of a believer is that one is transformed more and more into the image of Christ. Likewise, a church led by the Spirit is transformed more and more into the image of Christ.

  • Senior Sunday

    Senior Sunday

    Senior Sunday is a big, exciting time for us at Monterey to celebrate all of our high school graduating seniors and to pray over and bless them in their next phase of life!

  • God's Guarantee

    God's Guarantee

    The Holy Spirit is a very important part of our lives as a church body.l

  • I Believe In The Holy Spirit

    I Believe In The Holy Spirit

    What does the role of the Holy Spirit look like today?

  • You Are Not Alone
  • April 17, 2022 - Easter Sunday
  • April 10, 2022 - Palm Sunday
  • April 3, 2022 - The Christ Song
  • Week 4

    Week 4

  • Week 3

    Week 3

  • Week 2

    Week 2

  • Missions Sunday 2022

 Find our complete sermon archive on Youtube.