We provide for 6 weeks to 5 years old.
Sugar N Spice is open Tuesday and Thursdays, 9:00 am - 2:30 pm
$185/month for all ages. The 4’s have an additional one time $50 Kindergarten Readiness fee (covers the Pre-K curriculum & manipulatives).
Extended Care.
7:30am – 9:00am & 2:30pm – 5:30pm ($15/day total)
Potty Training.
TODDLERS – The nursery classrooms do not have easy access for potty training; therefore, if your child is one year old by Sept. 1st and will be in the Toddlers class, we require diapers be used.
THREES – We highly encourage your child be potty trained upon entering the Threes class with the exception of using a pull-up at nap-time.
FOURS – Your child must be fully potty trained upon entering the Fours class.
Registration Dates & Info
Registration Opens: Feb. 18th – Current SNS & Monterey Families. March 4th – Open to public
You must provide completed registration form & registration fee of $75. Registration fee is non-refundable. A spot will be held once the form & fee are received by the SNS office. First come, first served! In the event that an age group fills up, you will be placed on a waiting list.
For More Info
For more info contact Kelsie McNeill or Shelbi Hannsz at sns@montereychurch.com or 806-795-8079.