Community Ministries
Seeking to love our neighbors like Jesus.
Children's Home of Lubbock
The Children’s Home of Lubbock has blessed over 6,000 children through its various programs during its 50+ year history. In addition to Monterey’s monetary support, we host tutoring meals, birthday party boxes, and other special opportunities throughout the year.
Family Promise
Family Promise offers temporarily homeless families with children an opportunity to get back on their feet in a safe and loving environment. As part of the Lubbock Family Promise effort, Monterey is one of many churches that provides meals and childcare support during weekly community nights.
Fiesta Friday
Fiesta Friday is a fun night for teens and adults with special needs. On the last Friday of each month, we enjoy games, movies, and snacks together while caregivers enjoy an evening out. You will be so blessed to join us these nights once a month.
Foster & Adoption
Monterey supports our foster, adoptive, and kinship community in a number of ways. One Heart Foster Alliance is a group of local churches working together to address the foster care crisis. Whatever your interest, learn more below.
Foster Parent Night Out
On first Fridays, we host 50 foster family kids for a night of play and pizza while foster parent enjoy a night off. We also partner with Lubbock Arts Alliance and Texas Tech Health Center to provide art and health activities. Come join us!
Habitat for Humanity
Lubbock’s Habitat for Humanity chapter is thriving, and Monterey is a proud partner. From new home builds to year round financial coaching, Habitat is helping to revitalize important neighborhoods in our city. Join us each September for our annual Blitz Build!
Home Helpers
Home Helpers serves the elderly, widows, and single moms in our church family by providing basic around the house labor such as yard work, clean up, and minor home repair. Home Helpers is part of our Men’s Ministry. If you are in need of home help, or know someone who is, please make a referral here or become a volunteer below.
Hope Lodge
The American Cancer Society’s Hope Lodge of Lubbock provides free lodging for patients traveling to Lubbock for cancer treatments. Since 2010, Monterey volunteer teams have provided weekly meals to families staying there.
Kairos Prison Ministry
Kairos Prison Ministry volunteers enter our prisons for a weekend of ministering to incarcerated individuals. Kairos believes that true rehabilitation starts with the heart. “Kairos Inside” weekends happen each May and November.
Love Boxes
Love Boxes is a ministry that walks alongside children in foster care and their families. In partnership with Amarillo Angels, groups are matched with a local foster family and their children to provide simple monthly care packages for one year.
Meals on Wheels
Monterey partners with Lubbock Meals on Wheels to deliver meals to residents who are disabled, elderly, or cannot cook for themselves. Lubbock Meals on Wheels serves over 700 meals each day, and over 160 meals each weekend in the Lubbock community.
Open Door
Open Door is a robust Christian community development organization that serves the homeless, as well as young women with children who are fleeing sex trafficking. Survivor Housing, Permanent Supportive Housing, and the Community Center/Church are their three primary programs.
St. Benedict's Chapel
St. Benedict’s Chapel is a church for the working poor and homeless and has been “Feeding Body and Soul” since 2007. St. Benedict’s is a ministry partnership of ten diverse churches in Lubbock and provides free meals to the community 7 days a week. Teams of volunteers from Monterey provide meals every Wednesday of the year.
Special Needs
Special Needs Ministry recognizes the unique stresses faced by families experiencing special needs. We believe the church exists to surround and nurture one another in Christ. Volunteer to help in or teach our Sunday morning class of all ages. If you are a special needs family, please contact us with any questions!
Threads of Love
Threads of Love is a sewing ministry that seeks to bless the families of premature infants as well parents of newborns who die due to stillbirth, miscarriage or infant death. This ministry desires to comfort and bind the hearts of parents during a time of uncertainty.
Unexpected Pregnancy & Post-Abortion Recovery
Monterey seeks to be a safe place for young women walking through the difficulties of unexpected pregnancy and related challenges. Whether it’s confidential counseling, connection to professional care, or a compassionate confidant, we desire to stand with you as Jesus stands with us. To learn more, visit Parkridge.