Global Missions

Making disciples who make disciples.


In 2021, Monterey became the primary sponsor of John and Susan Cooper in their calling to the European continent. They are currently based in Budapest, Hungary. Having formerly served in Croatia, John and Susan now work with Team Expansion to build disciple-making movements across Europe through their Media to Movement platform. The Coopers also practiced ministry in Austin and Abilene and are Texas natives, along with their children Nash and Van. Susan grew up in the Monterey family. Learn more about the Coopers here


With a population of nearly seven million, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania is the largest city in East Africa. Landon and Courtney Shuman (now with their four children) began their disciple-making work there in 2014. Monterey has supported their work from the beginning, but became their primary sponsor in 2021. The Shumans practice “business as mission” and launched Harakati Coffee to train and equip business leaders and their employees in the emerging coffee market through a Gospel lens. In November 2021, they opened their first Harakati coffeeshop for the purpose of deepening their discipleship reach in the community. Additionally, Courtney is an LMSW who is working to increase access to mental health services to non-western missionaries and emerging Christian communities in developing cultures.


Jim & Phyllis have worked in and around Malindi, Kenya with the Giryama people since 1985. Jim became the Director of World Missions at Lubbock Christian University in 1997 and planted Carpenters Church (now Open Door) shortly thereafter. Jim and Phyllis moved back to the coast of Kenya in 2010 to help reimagine a new paradigm of generational disciple-making and holistic initiatives in areas of health, education, agriculture, family-based orphan care, and vocational sustainability. The Becks currently reside in Malindi for 7 months out of the year, and Lubbock for 5 months.

Monterey also supports Daniel Chengo and Stephen Thethe in their work in areas of church leadership, orphan care, education, healthcare, and business and agriculture initiatives that provide food and income stability for the poor. In addition, Stephen Thethe operates the Mahenzo school in Nine Poles, which educates hundreds of children at the primary and secondary levels. Many of their students are sponsored by Monterey members.


Olive Branch International’s mission is to introduce people to the Gospel by compassionately ministering to their physical, emotional and spiritual needs by creating opportunities for individuals to use their skills and gifts to serve God by serving others. Olive Branch hosts a variety of short-term mission trips each year for universities and church members. Monterey has partnered with Olive Branch in countries from El Salvador to Peru, Nicaragua, Guyana, and Uganda, ranging from medical missions to kids’ summer camps, from collecting shoes for orphans to supporting the reduction of maternal mortality in undeveloped countries. Their primary work is currently in Peru and Nicaragua.


For almost 40 years, Monterey has supported Manuel & Marina Azucena and Herbert & Gloria Ortega as church planters in El Salvador. Both graduated from Sunset International Bible Institute (SIBI) and have planted and equipped many congregations in and around San Salvador, dividing their time between preaching, training new teachers, leading studies, and organizing conferences. Recently, SIBI opened an extension of their Lubbock-based Bible school in El Salvador in order to partner with these families in meeting the demand for well-equipped teachers and preachers.

Monterey’s fruitful partnership with these two families came to a close at the end of 2022, but we remain in contact and prayer for them. We are profoundly grateful for these two families and their lifetime of rich ministry and service. Their legacy will live on in future generations.