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  • Kingdom, Power & Glory
    • 11/17/24

    Kingdom, Power & Glory

    Jesus gives us the Lord’s Prayer as a starting point for how to have a relationship with our Father. Today we spent time in prayer over several specifice areas affecting our lives and the world right now.

  • Deliver Us
    • 11/10/24

    Deliver Us

    “Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.” (Matthew 6:13)

  • Forgive Us
    • 11/3/24

    Forgive Us

    When we hold on to grudges, we buy into the lies that we are hurting the other person—but the only person we are really damaging is US! May we be more defined by Jesus than we are by debts that we carry.

  • Daily Bread
    • 10/27/24

    Daily Bread

    In a society obsessed with abundance, can we trust that God’s idea of “enough” is enough?

  • Your Kingdom Come
    • 10/20/24

    Your Kingdom Come

    Hudson Hutchinson, our Connection Minister, offers us a reflection on the part of Jesus’s prayer that invites us to imagine what God’s kingdom on earth as it is in heaven looks like.

  • Our Father
    • 10/13/24

    Our Father

    Jesus's opening words in his prayer teach us something about the very character and nature of God, moving Him from this impersonal deity to a very near, personal, and intimate Father.

  • When You Pray
    • 10/6/24

    When You Pray

    Doug kicks off a new series on the Lord's Prayer and begins by reminding us that the purpose of prayer is to be properly formed in the presence of our Heavenly Father who desires relationship with us.

 Find our complete sermon archive on Youtube.