Find our complete sermon archive on Youtube.
After a summer spent focusing on the fruit of the Spirit, we end with this question: how will we be known? How will YOU be known?
Self-control is the soil in which the rest of the fruit of the Spirit is grown. Guest preacher David Fraze walks us through the importance of self-control in our lives.
This summer is flying by, and so is our summer sermon series! This week focuses on the characteristic of GENTLENESS as a part of the fruit of the Spirit.
We use the word “good” a lot in our culture today. What does scripture have to say about what is truly good? And how do we cultivate that kind of goodness in our lives?
Patience is a virtue, but it’s also one aspect of the fruit of the Spirit. How are you doing with patience these days?
The second part of the fruit of the Spirit is Joy…what does choosing joy look like in today’s world, and how can we pour that joy out to those around us?
In this sermon, our Connection Minister Hudson Hutchinson preaches to us about the fruit of love.
We kick off our summer series on the Fruit of the Spirit by asking, “Do we treat the fruit of the Spirit like a check-list?” What kind of fruit is Holy Spirit producing in our lives?
Find our complete sermon archive on Youtube.